April 3, 2018

Mary Birney (1784-1819)

Mary Birney (1784-1819) is the daughter of Henry Birney and Rachel Shears, and the GG grandmother of Helen Wallin. She married John Gordon (1776-1841). Between 1801 and 1818 Mary Birney had 14 children. She died at age 35 in 1819.

This genealogy file is heavily populated with persons who are buried in the Standing Stone Cemetery and the nearly Gordon family cemetery.

Jo Perry viewing marker of John Gordon (1817-1893)
who was the 13th of Mary Birney and John Gordon's 14 children
Gordon Family Cemetery near Standing Stone PA
The children born to Mary Birney and John Gordon ...

The link below displays a resizable PDF file that can be viewed at various resolutions to display four generations of the descendants of Mary Birney and John Gordon found in this genealogy project as of April 2018.